Imagine a smart contract generator that is geared towards home improvement.
The contractor goes on a website and creates a smart contract.
The smart contract will consist of the following
Details of the home improvement
The types of tiles used for the bathroom
Along with more information on the tiles used
Style, size, the color of tiles
Where Which room will use the tiles
How many tiles
How long will the work take
What days will they be working
Which days will the contractor come on-site to check on the work
The cost
Payment intervals based on the specific conditions
Bank APIs
The contractor and the homeowner have to mark each home improvement task complete for the payment to go from the homeowner to the contractor.
One possibility is to use a 3rd party to check off the completions
This will probably be an added cost to the homeowner, but it could be worth it to make sure that the work that was agreed upon would only get paid if the work is done as specified in the smart contract
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